Garden Markers

I was searching for ways to mark the areas of our garden so that we could remember where things are planted..... anyone who knows me, knows that I can't even keep my kids' names straight so I really can't remember where we planted things.  I found tons of cute ideas, thanks Pinterest, but none of them seemed like anything we wanted to do.  Then walking through the Dollar Store and had an epihany..... I could use some cheap pinwheels and duct tape!  Okay, so maybe this idea costs a tad more than painting rocks but it won't break the bank and it will help keep birds away! Even grossly overestimating how much a small strip of tape costs I would say these come in at just about $.60 each.  You can use whatever color tape suits your fancy or you could even use different prints to code them instead of writing on them. Whatever floats your boat!

Here's one finished! I'll post more pics once the whole garden is full! 

 Supplies are simple enough: pinwheels, duct tape, scissors, and marker
 Start by pulling 4 inches, give or take, of tape then halve that piece.  (These are small pinwheels, if yours are larger just figure out how long you want the flags and double the length) 
 Place your flag low enough so that it doesn't interfere with the spinning.  Put the pinwheel stick at roughly the half way point and carefully fold over. 
 It's okay if the end doesn't perfectly line up, just cut notches in the end to make it decorative. 
Then write your plant name and you are done.  Cheap and very quick project!! 
