So it's been awhile......

Hey everyone!  We are (finally) settled out in the great Pacific NW!   We've spent the summer exploring and getting to know our new home.  I am working on some new ideas and recipes as we roll full steam ahead in to the fall and school and I have missed the blog a great deal!  Coming soon is a post about traveling cross country with kids, cooking most meals, NO fast food, and not losing your mind....... trying to come up with the clever title for that one (PS I'm open to suggestions!)  As well as recipes for vegan mushroom pizza, carrot cake pancakes, and seven grain bread.

Most of all right now I'd like to hear from you!  I'd like to start catering to what my readers want to hear about.  What do you want to see on the blog?  Organizing for school projects/homework?  Canning recipes & tips?  Just some pictures of how fabulous the Pacific NW is?!  Leave some comments, ask some questions...... or I can start a google + Hangout session.  Let's get this party started!!
