Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Aioli Fish with Breadcrumbs

Here's an easy, delicious way to serve fish that's sure to please!  You can use any white fish that you have on hand.  We are really lucky that Kinley is the only picky eater that we have.  For her if it's not eggs or bananas she's generally not very interested.  However, for kids (or adults) who may not enjoy broiled/baked fish, this gives the fish lots of flavor with a little bit of texture.

 Here's an easy way to whip up a cheat version of aioli.  Start with mayonnaise as your base about 1/2 cup, add pinch of salt, 1 clove of pressed garlic, and the zest and juice of half of a lemon.  I mixed this in the bottom of the mayo jar that only had about a tablespoon left in it.  Taste it and adjust.  Honestly it all depends on the season how tart your lemon is.  Sometimes it will take more lemon, other times more garlic it's totally up to you!  I have also used on many occasions bottled juice and garlic powder.  What ever you have!

 Preheat oven to 375 degrees.  Spread a layer of aioli on the fish, then top with seasoned breadcrumbs.  Bake 15-20 minutes depending on the type of fish you use.

 All done! 
Kinley says you should try it!  She just ate an ENTIRE piece! 

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