Friday, August 30, 2013

Whole Chicken in Crock Pot


We all know that whole chicken is by far the cheapest way to buy it!  But that doesn't mean that we always have the time to butcher or roast it.  Here's a simple solution!!  I originally saw this over at the CrockPot Girls (they have some great recipes) but figured I would make a post here for any of my friends who haven't seen this or aren't on Pinterest.  Seriously, if you aren't on Pinterest..... WHY NOT?!?!

Here's my set up.  Sorry lighting is strange since the sun wasn't out yet this morning when I put this in. Plus the camera was upstairs and I was just too lazy to go and get it, so sorry for the cell pictures.
I line a bowl with grocery bags and paper towels (newspapers work great, but our recycle was picked up this morning) This is where I cut open the bag, remove giblets, and pat the chicken dry.  No, I don't rinse mine and here's WHY  Basically you will cut down risk of cross contamination.  Place the chicken in your crock pot and season.  You can add onion or lemon and herbs to the cavity depending on the flavor that you are looking for.  Here's another little trick, I only want to wash my hands once during prep.  So, I pour my oil and seasonings into small bowls to avoid any cross contamination then I rub the seasoning into the chicken, tie up my bag of trash, and thoroughly wash my hands.  Then I place the lid on the crock pot, set on low, and walk away.

Here's what it will look like when it comes out!  It's almost impossible to get it out without the whole thing falling apart.  Makes for shredding to use in recipes a breeze!!  Don't throw away the bones, and stay tuned tomorrow for an update on how to use them!!!

 There's no carving involved, the chicken will fall apart like this when you try to remove it! 

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