Water bottles and coffee mugs

Unless you are able to design your home from the ground up, there is usually a downfall that you find after you move in.  For this house the cabinet space/arrangement has been a bit tricky.  Add in that the kids help put away dishes, most of the easily accessible cabinets are quite full.  Plus being short, I don't exactly use a lot of the upper cabinets. 

Be prepared to take lots of notes on this one...... it's complicated ;o)

If you haven't noticed by now I love command strips, duct tape, and zip ties!  Being Army we know that at any time we could be moving and this is not our forever house so I am always looking for ways to make the next move a little easier, hence the Command Strips. 

You could use over the door hooks and eliminate the command strips and zip ties, but none of our doors work well with those hooks.  The duct tape keeps the organizer from swinging and banging around.  This keeps all of the kids' cups where they can reach them and places for our travel coffee mugs.  That's it!  See, complicated!
