Monday, August 19, 2013

Rainbow Bread!

First off, I can not take credit for coming up with this super cool idea.  I found it over HERE and decided to give it a whirl.  The kids have LOVED it as a special treat.  I do a few things different than the original post.

We are super vigilant about what the kids eat.  We do our very best to give them wholesome, homemade foods.  We do not deprive them or ourselves but try to teach moderation.  One thing we try very hard to avoid are artificial colors, well, artificial anything for that matter.  But every now and then it can just be a little fun to be bad!

Today isn't a special occasion but it is raining so I am going to surprise the kids with a rainbow =)  Since it is rainy the bread is taking a little more flour to keep it from being sticky so we will see if that affects the colors.  For this recipe, after the flour is incorporated and before you let it rise you will add the food coloring.  I choose to do this by hand and by bedtime I will be back to normal color HAHA

Here's the set up.  The bowls are oiled and ready.
You can mix it in the bowl or on a lightly floured surface.  Today it didn't work in the oiled bowl with the humidity.  It will take LOTS of drops to get vibrant color.  I added more after this was worked in.
 Here's a pic on the surface.
 Ready to rise.  I usually let these rise for about 45 minutes after being worked so much to get the color in.  You can go crazy with color combinations.  Wet weather hurts my hands so I just did four colors, but you get the idea...... entire rainbow, team/school colors, favorite colors, etc.
 Okay, so it is difficult to take a decent picture of your own right hand HAHA and this does not do the color justice!
 Roll out each color separately into a rectangle, stack, and roll.  I try my best to get them all the same size, but it is far from perfect.
 For this I roll the long side of the rectangle.  I pull slightly and try to get it pretty tight. 
 I then use a sharp knife to cut the loaf to the size of the pan, gently transfer the loaf, cover and rise.  The end pieces I form into little rolls as a special treat since they cool faster than the bread ;)
DRUM ROLL PLEASE...........................................................................................................................

There you have it!!  The taste of the bread is exactly the same as regular, just pretty! 

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