Gender Reveal Idea!

I have pinned this image to Pinterest and it keeps getting shared, however, until now there hasn't been a website to link it to.  It is pretty easy to understand just from a picture, but now I can add it here for some explanation! 

When we were looking to announce the gender of our youngest child we wanted to do something different!  I had seen the cakes, balloons, and various other ideas.  Being military and far from family, I also wanted to do something that I could email or text.  That's when the jingle for the old Almond Joy and Mounds commercials got my gears turning.  A little bit twisted but sometimes you feel like a nut (Almond Joy for a boy) and sometimes you don't (Mounds for a girl) ;o)  So, I set up our tripod camera and after about 20 tries, I finally got the right angle and light for the picture.  (Camera was set on a self timer and I had to push it, then get myself set before it took the picture in 10 seconds)  I HIGHLY recommend getting help with this endeavor though!!  Oh, and the candy bar was stuck to my belly using duct tape. HAHA  The caption when we sent this out read:  Here's the gender reveal picture of the baby! 
